Hi Friends! Happy Monday!

I am so grateful to have been able to start my week at home in Pennsylvania with my family. As much as I love Southern California, nothing makes me happier than coming home to central Pennsylvania to see all of the peopleI I love the most. (With time and growth, I have shifted perspective; when I turned 18, I couldn't wait to leave… now I am celebrating every chance I get to go back!) Every time I fly back it's like I take a dose of truth serum. I just find answers and clarity with everything I am looking for and always leave with a grounded sense of peace. What's most exciting is that I was home to celebrate the 85th birthday for my grandparents. My grandparents are my best friends. I think one of the biggest blessings in my life up until this point—and probably forever onward—is that I get to call Albert and Kay my Nonno and Nonna. So joyful to celebrate with them!
This week I encourage you to CALL YOUR GRANDPARENTS or your mom or your dad or just someone you love!